A key aspect of any good roleplaying game is character building. Simply put; the increasing of your player character's skills and stats through earning experience through questing and combat. Quest for Glory is no different. It's skill system is pretty basic. Practice any given skill and it's level will increase up to a maximum of 100. I've been working on getting my weapon use and dodge skills up in preparation for the assault on the brigand fortress. It's a bit of a grind but lightweight by modern day standards. Anyone who has played World of Warcraft will understand 'the grind' and Quest for Glory's grind is nothing in comparison to some of the XP and rep grinds I've done in WoW. It would be nice to get most of my stats to as close to 100 as I can before I move Pratchet on to Quest for Glory 2 but some of them I just w

on't bother to do, namely magic, parry and stealth. It's interesting to see just how complex modern rpg's have become in comparison to the original Quest for Glory. I've seen
speed runs through the game on youtube that take less than ten minutes. It's pretty unbelievable. You're looking at anywhere between forty and two-hundred hours for your typical current generation rpg. The boundaries of Quest for Glory are very narrow but the world is designed with such simple, almost fairytale like charm, that it doesn't feel uninteresting and pre-historic. It feels like what it is - a classic.
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